10 Jan 2015

Choo-choo....choo-choo The first Designers Diner Train is leaving Januari 10th !!!

The first train is leaving !!!
Don't miss it.

The Designer's Diner Train is leaving the station. We've collected some of the best 'cooks' in Digi Land to whip you up a delicious dinner of goodies. You'll find that whetting your appetite with our yummy goodies from our Diner Train will leave you with a warm glow and a hard drive full of wonderful goodies. It's a full meal and we offer it to you in love.

Els - http://bit.ly/AahQXdesign-blog 

-Karen - 


genie said...

so cute thank you

Miriana said...

adorable winter kids Karen :)

Unknown said...

thank you ladies !

R said...

Thank you

Unknown said...

Adorable!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

Kendra D said...

Thhis was a lovely blog post